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Welcome to the EUDAT Documentation service#

EUDAT’s vision is Data is shared and preserved across borders and disciplines. Achieving this vision means enabling data stewardship within and between European research communities through a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI), a common model and service infrastructure for managing data spanning all European research data centres and community data repositories.

On the EUDAT Document service you can find the documentation for the EUDAT B2 services suite, this includes all public user, technical and administrative documentation, and explains how to engage, deploy and use the services. The documentation is organised per service and type of audience (i.e. Users, Administrators, Developers).


B2FIND Find research data, research data portal
B2SHARE Store and publish research data
B2DROP Sync and share research data
B2INST Register your instruments
B2HANDLE Register your research data with a persistent identifier
B2SAFE Keep research data safe via data management policies
B2ACCESS Identity & authorisation
DataCite Assign DOIs to your publications

You can find more information on the individual services by clicking on the service names on the menu bar at the top or on the service icons links above.


Please contact us if you are missing any content or if you have general comments on EUDAT documentation.

Interested in EUDAT services#

If you are interested in an EUDAT service from the B2 services suite, you can find more information and/or request the services via the EUDAT Service Catalogue.


Last update: 09.02.2024

Last review: 24.01.2025